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<h1>室内装修设计 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 (中英文)</h1> <p> </p> <p>室内装修设计协议</p> <p>AGREEMENT OF HOUSE INTERIOR DESIGN</p> <p>This AGREEMENT OF INTERIOR DESIGN made this date of between A (hereinafter called "the Client" which expression includes their legal representatives, successors in title an assigns) of the one part and B practicing as design consultant at C (hereinafter called “the Designer" which expression includes his/legal representatives, successors in titles and permitted assigns) of the other part.</p> <p>WHEREAS the Client intends to construct and complete. (hereinafter called 'the project');AND WHEREAS the Client is desirous of appointing the Designer to provide professional design services for the Project on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing</p> <p>IT IS HEREBY AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:</p> <p>本设计协议由甲方(客户)和乙方(设计顾问)及丙方(设计公司)于 日签订。</p> <p>鉴于客户意欲建设并完成本工程;鉴于客户愿意指定设计公司依照以下条款为本工程提供专业设计服务。</p> <p>因此,双方达成协议如下:</p> <p>1.0 SCOPE OF WORK 服务范围</p> <p>1.1 Interior layout and spatial re-planning of all areas.</p> <p>室内布局和所有领域的空间重新规划。</p> <p>1.2 Interior design conceptualization and design implementation.</p> <p>室内设计构思和设计实施。</p> <p>1.3 Interior finishes advice, specification and implementation.</p> <p>室内饰面咨询, 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 和实施。</p> <p>1.4 Interior lighting conceptualization, selection and implementation.</p> <p>室内灯具构思、选择和实施。</p> <p>1.5 Interior fixtures specification and design for custom made & built in furniture or doors not already in the architectural schedule.</p> <p>为客户制作或建造于不包括建筑物内已有的家具或门上的室内固定物或附着物的规范和设计</p> <p>1.6 Loose furniture consultation and selection.活动家具的咨询和选择</p> <p>1.7 Preparation of all necessary documents for the implementation for the project.</p> <p>本项目实施所需全部必要文件的准备</p> <p>1.8 Coordination with appointed contractors, suppliers, specialists and other consultants.</p> <p>与指定承建商、供应商、专家和其他顾问的协商</p> <p>1.9 Periodical project supervision of items 1.1 to 1.8 during construction.</p> <p>施工期间对条款1.1至1.8的履行进行阶段性项目监督</p> <p>1.10 Sketches followed by computerized 3D perspectives (in house) of main areas.</p> <p>室内主要领域的三维电脑视觉效果的草图</p> <p>2.0 EXCLUSIONS 除外方面</p> <p>2.1 Areas not included in the Design Consultant’s scope of work are External Building Works, Civil and Structural Engineering, External Landscape, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Plumbing & Air Conditioning Engineering, Quantity Surveying & Computer 3D animation.</p> <p>不包含在设计咨询服务范围的领域是室外建造工程,土木及结构工程,外部景观,机电工程,水暖和空调系统工程,工料测量和电脑三维动画。</p> <p>2.2 While the scope of works includes supervision and installation, it does not cover the maintenance or defects liability period following the award of the ‘Practical Completion Certificate’ to the contractor if any.</p> <p>尽管服务范围包括监督和安装,但它不包含提交(如有,)承建商“实际完成证书”以后期间的维护或者缺陷责任。</p> <p>2.3 While the Designer will provide intent drawings of typical finishes and fixtures, all shop drawings for specialists tradesmen and propriety systems or products must be submitted by the respective sub contractors appointed for this project. They may include:</p> <p>尽管设计方将提供典型饰面及固定物的意向图,但为专业施工人员和配套系统或产品的所有施工图纸必须由各自为该项目指定的分包商提交,他们应该包括:</p> <p>2.3.1 Stone works石材工程</p> <p>2.3.2 External windows or doors (including pocket doors)外部窗户或门(包括小型的门)</p> <p>2.3.3 Elevators and lift drawings电梯和升降机图纸</p> <p>2.3.4 Mechanical & Electrical drawings (should there be no M&E consultant appointed)</p> <p>机电图纸(如果没有指定的机电咨询顾问)</p> <p>2.3.5 Audio visual & IT related equipment视听及与计算机相关的设备</p> <p>2.3.6 Imported wardrobes or kitchens进口衣柜或厨房</p> <p>3.0 FEES 费用</p> <p>The fee for the conceptual design phase through project construction phase shall be Charged based on unit rate US Dollar Per Square Foot and designable area of Square Foot. The lump sum of US Dollars: Dollars Only (excluding any local governing withholding taxes). The fee shall be payable by the client as addressed below in the payment schedule.</p> <p>在项目建设阶段的概念性设计阶段的费用以每英尺 美元和 英尺有效设计面积来计算。包干费用总计 元整(不包括任何政府预扣税)。客户应按以下付款进度支付相应款项。</p> <p>4.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT 支付条款</p> <p>4.1 Payments are due and payable upon presentation of the Design Consultant’s invoice upon certifying of fees according to paragraph 3.2. An interest of 1% shall be charged on delinquent payments past 30 days.</p> <p>根据设计方出示并依据3.2条要求的费用证明资料认证的款项是到期可支付的款项。超过三十天的延迟支付款项,设计方有权收取逾期款项1%的利息。</p> <p>4.2 Payments during construction phase shall be made monthly, in proportion to the length of the construction period as define in the Work Program Chart.</p> <p>建设阶段应按月支付,根据工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 表规定的建设进度,按比例支付。</p> <p>4.3 Payments for additional services and for reimbursable expenses shall be made monthly upon presentation of Design Consultants statement of services rendered, or expenses incurred.</p> <p>额外服务和可报销费用应根据设计方出示的关于相关服务或发生的费用的凭据按月支付。</p> <p>5.0 DEFINITION OF SERVICES 服务的定义</p> <p>5.1 Conceptual Design Phase 概念性设计阶段</p> <p>Understanding of client’s need and formulation of concept design for client’s approval. Includes advising of the need for Authority submissions and additional consultants where appropriate. Concept Illustrations will be prepared for the client’s understanding of the design intent. No detailing is done at this stage. Subsequent changes after the approval of concept design are deemed additional services and shall be chargeable according to paragraph 7.0 unless otherwise stated.</p> <p>了解客户的需求,制作经客户同意的概念型设计。包括咨询相关管理当局和其他合适的咨询顾问的需求。概念插图是为客户理解设计意图而准备的。该阶段不进行任何细节设计。在客户批准概念性设计后的后续变更应该被视为额外的服务,应根据第7条收取相应款项,除非双方另有约定。</p> <p>5.2 Design Development Phase 深化设计阶段</p> <p>Development of the approved concept design for client’s approval. Includes preparation of working drawings for construction, and selection of materials and finishes.</p> <p>对经客户批准的概念性设计进行深化。包括为建设施工用的工作图纸的准备,材料和饰面的选择。</p> <p>Appointed consultants shall be coordinated to produce a complete design.</p> <p>制定顾问应协调制作出一个完整的设计。</p> <p>Necessary detailing will be produced at this stage. 必要的细节设计将在该阶段完成。</p> <p>Project cost increment can be implemented at this stage if client desire for better quality material/finishes that is not provided for in the original budget or additional services.</p> <p>该阶段客户可以要求获得质量比最初商谈提供或额外服务中约定的质量更好的材料或饰面,相应调增相关项目费用。</p> <p>Adjusted project fee shall propose by Design Consultant in the ‘Fee Amendment Schedule’ upon client’s request for project fee increment.</p> <p>调整的项目费用应有设计咨询单位在“费用变更单”中根据客户要求而导致项目费用的增量提议。</p> <p>The ‘Fee Amendment Schedule’ shall supercede paragraph 3.2.Changes requested by the client after the approval of production drawings are deemed additional services and shall be chargeable according to paragraph7.0 unless otherwise stated.</p> <p>客户要求的对施工图的设计变更被批准后,“费用变更单”将取代第3.2条的约定,被视为额外的服务,应根据第7条收取相应款项,除非双方另有约定。</p> <p>5.3 Project Documentation Phase 项目文件阶段</p> <p>Preparation of all necessary technical specifications for the project.</p> <p>准备该项目所需的所有必要的技术性规定。</p> <p>All necessary design coordination with other consultants shall be completed by this stage.</p> <p>与其他设计单位协调所有的设计必须在该阶段完成。</p> <p>Relevant authority approval for commencement of work shall be awarded by this stage, when appropriate.</p> <p>该阶段合适时间应获得相关部门同意开工的批示。</p> <p>Client shall be notified upon completion of this stage. 完成该阶段时应通知客户。</p> <p>Any changes requested by client at this stage shall be deemed additional services and shall be chargeable according to paragraph7.0 unless otherwise stated.</p> <p>客户在该阶段要求的任何变更应被视为额外的服务,除非双方另有约定,应根据第7条收取相应款项。</p> <p>5.4 Construction Phase建设施工阶段</p> <p>Implementation of the approved design. 经批准同意的设计的实施</p> <p>Design Consultant shall supervise site installation, review all selected materials in the approved documentation delivered to site, for size quality and conditions, and to reject materials that is not according to specification.</p> <p>设计方应监督现场安装,检查所有批准文件中选定的被运至现场的材料,包括规格、质量和品质,拒收不符合规范的材料。</p> <p>The Design consultant shall provide final inspection and a Practical Completion Certificate shall be awarded upon Consultant’s satisfaction that all works has been completed accordance to approved drawings.</p> <p>设计方应提供最终的检验以及提交表明咨询方认为所有工作根据批准图纸已经完成的实际完成证明。</p> <p>Changes by client at this stage are considered additional services and shall be chargeable according to paragraph 7.0.</p> <p>客户在该阶段要求的任何变更应被视为额外的服务,除非双方另有约定,应根据第7条收取相应款项。</p> <p>In addition, a delay fee shall be charged for additional cost of labour, overheads, warehousing, and material cost in accordance to the schedule in the specifications as the result of delays and cost incurred by such request.</p> <p>此外,设计方有权收取因延误施工工期而导致的人工费用、间接成本、仓储和材料费用等逾期费用,以及因此而导致的的其他损失。</p> <p>6.0 AMENDMENT OF APPROVED DRAWINGS BY DESIGN CONSULTANT</p> <p>设计终稿的变更</p> <p>6.1 The Design Consultant reserved the right to change approved design, detailing, materials, finishes and specification due to unforeseen circumstances that is not within the control of the Design Consultant. Such changes shall be commuted to the client and no additional service charge shall be payable by the client. However additional cost incurred to labour and material shall be reimbursed by the client.</p> <p>由于不可预见即设计方无法掌控的情况,设计方保留对设计终稿的设计、细节设计、材料、完成和规范的修改权。此等设计修改应减轻客户的义务,即客户无需就该等设计的修改向设计方支付额外的费用。但额外的人工费和材料费应由客户承担。</p> <p>7.0 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 额外服务费用</p> <p>7.1 For project representation beyond that </p>

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